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Pupil & Sport Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy information for Parents & Carers

The funding is provided directly to schools, which decide how best to spend this according to needs. We review our allocation annually in order to meet the needs of Pupil Premium children effectively.  The Governing Body agree the Pupil Premium Plan and monitor throughout the year.  

The Pupil Premium is used at Kidmore End CE School:

  • to support teaching and learning
  • to raise attainment and achievement
  • to enhance self-esteem and positive attitudes to learning
  • to ensure access to a wide range of activities in and out of school

The Pupil Premium Strategy for 2024-25 can be found here.

The Pupil Premium Strategy for 2023-24, including evaluation of 2021-22 spending, can be found in the report here.

The Pupil Premium Strategy for 2022-23, including evaluation of 2021-22 spending, can be found in the report here.

The Pupil Premium Strategy for 2021-22, including evaluation of 2020-21 spending, can be found in the report here.

The Pupil Premium Strategy for 2020-21, including evaluation of 2019-20 spending, can be found in the report here.

The Pupil Premium strategy for 2019-20, including evaluation of 2018-19 spending, can be found in the report here.

The Pupil Premium strategy for 2018-19, including evaluation of 2017-18 spending, can be found in the report here.

Sport Premium

We pride ourselves on being very active and healthy at Kidmore End School.   We have the opportunity to learn lots of different sports and can take part in different competitions throughout the year. 

Since September 2013 schools have been provided with specific PE and Sports Funding to improve PE provision and access to competition.  This has allowed us to focus resources to great effect and led to successes in football, cross country, swimming and notably in Athletics, where Year Five and Six reached the County Final in both Sports Hall Athletics and Quad Kids, finishing the year as Quad Kids County Champions.    

You can find out more about the impact of last year's funding and how we are spending this year's allocation in the documents below.  The guidance for spending funds can be found on the DfE website using this link.