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Year 3 Timetable - Autumn Term


Our PE days this term are MondaysThursdays - children should wear their PE kits and trainers to School. We will be outdoors for netball on Thursdays, so warm tracksuit bottoms and an extra fleece will be essential as winter arrives. We will be indoors for gymnastics on Mondays.


Reading Ideally, your child should read every night, but at a minimum of 3 times per week, aloud to an adult. It is important that you continue to hear your child read aloud and spend some time talking with them about what they have read. Please use their Reading Record to make a note of their reading, and sign and date this. There is no need to write a long comment each time.

Spellings New spellings lists are given out on Tuesday, each week to be learnt for the following week. Each list will have a particular focus sound, or spelling rule. Your child should be able to tell you what this is! I will post the spelling list on Google Classroom for reference. Your child should complete the corresponding assignment on the Spelling Shed website, using their existing login details.

Times tables Daily practice of times tables facts is essential. Please note especially that the corresponding division facts for each table must also be learnt. The TT Rock Stars website is a useful resource regular for practice. Begin by refreshing recall of the 10s, 5s and two times tables. Our next focus times tables in class will be the 4s, then 8s. I will also set a weekly task on Mathletics.

Note: Login details for Mathletics, Spelling Shed and TT Rock Stars are identical and are the same as you used last year. Links to these 3 platforms can be found at the bottom of our class page